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發布時間: 2022-12-01  點擊次數: 625次

安科瑞 陳聰

 Application of Acrel Network Power Meter in Sri Lanka


Absrtact: APM series of network power meter are suitable for full power measurement and monitoring of high and low voltage cabinets, incoming and outgoing lines. 

1.項目概述  Project Overview


A project in Sri Lanka required a batch of network power meters with Ethernet interfaces. After comparing various aspects, customer found that our APM series network power meter are rich in functions, easy to install, and could be equipped with abundant external modules, so they decided to use our power meters.

2.產品介紹 product presentation

    APM系列網絡電力儀表具有全電 量測量,電能統計,電能質量分析及網絡通訊等功能,主要用于對電網供電質量的綜合監控。該系列儀表采用了模塊化設計,配合功能豐富的外部 DI/DO 模塊、AI/AO 模塊、Micro SD 卡(TF 卡)事件記錄(SOE)模塊,網絡通訊模塊、溫濕度測溫模塊,可以靈活實現電氣回路全電量測量及開關狀態監控,雙 RS485 和以太網接口配合可實現 RS485 主站數據抄送,省去數據交換機。PROFIBUS-DP 接口可以實現高速數據傳輸及組網功能。

    APM series meters have full power measurement, energy statistics, analysis of power quality and network communications and other functions, are mainly used for comprehensive monitoring of the quality of power supply network. This series of meters use a modular design, with a rich function of the external DI / DO module, AI / AO module, event recording (SOE) module with T-Flash (TF) card, network communication module, Temperature and humidity measurement module, can achieve full power measurement of electrical circuit and monitoring of switch status, Dual RS485 with Ethernet interface can realize data copying of RS485 master station, eliminating the need for data switching exchange. PROFIBUS-DP interface can realize high-speed data transmission and networking function.

2.1.組網拓撲圖 Network Topology

2.2相關產品 related products

3. 安裝圖片Installation Picture

參考文獻 Bibliography

1. Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system 

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